Dishing up
Digital School

Welcome to theĀ practical course for new social media managers who refuse to settle for less and are ready to be their own boss.

I started as a social media manager in 2019 with $0 investment. By November that year, Iā€™d matched my corporate salary and I quit my job to go all in on my business.

"Now the income I make from my own biz has officially surpassed my monthly income from my 9-5 job which means I can quit and go full time - THANK YOU!!Ā Ā I don't know what I would do without this course."

-Ā Claire Reilly


This is your ticket out of the 9-5 "cubicle" life


Dive into this wildly in-demand industry (yep, believe me I doubled my client load during a pandemic) with the most up-to-date strategies and support.

In the Dishing up Digital School you will become the next Instagram Queen and learn to sell your services to real clients with confidence. Watch this video for a glimpse of what you learn inside my program.

Tell me,
is this you?

  • 1 Do you dream of a job that gives you more freedom, flexibility and money but with less hours?
  • 2 Tired of commutes, dark offices, and crossing your fingers as you put through your one annual leave request?
  • 3 You're a creative soul who feels underappreciated and underpaid in your current job?
  • 4 You crave financial flexibility and want to build wealth but the 9-5 salary isnā€™t matching your goals?
  • 5 Want to go out on your own but self-employment sounds scary and you donā€™t know where to start?
  • 6 You're sick of cringy "get rich quick" Facebook ads and free webinars with no substance and want to be coached by a genuine fun gal?

"Dishing up Digital School made this big, scary concept of

starting a business a little less big and scary."

-Ā Christine Maryfield, Maryfield Media

Girl, I feel ya!

  • Iā€™ve been in your shoes before, that feeling of being trapped in a job you donā€™t love, a desire to start something of your own but having no idea where to even begin.

    When I started building my side hustle, I had no idea what I was doing and it was terrifying. I had to learn things on my own through trial and error (and a heck of a lot of googling).

    But in just one month, I made $1000NZD and had booked almost half a dozen clients. While that money may not sound like a lot to some, it changed my life. My heart was set on fire and I knew I was finally on to something. After 10 months of building my side hustle, I quit my job to go all-in on my business. By the end of that first year, I'd nearly doubled what I was making in my old job.

    This coaching program is your fast track to success and will give you a blueprint of steps and strategies to build your social media business. Iā€™ve got real results for my students and know this program changes peopleā€™s livesā€¦

    The best thing? You don't need a truckload of money, a fancy degree OR a huge online following to get started! All you need is a phone and a dash of ambition (and a glass of rosƩ also optional, ladies).

The Dishing up Digital School

  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying

ā€œI set client boundaries with confidence, increased my prices and booked two clients!ā€

Since becoming my own boss, I have freedom to do things, create my schedule of work around my life and give myself time to relax.Ā 

A few months after enrolling, I booked my first client for a $1500 project - and now Iā€™ve increased my prices.Ā 

Dishing up Digital School has given me the confidence to set boundaries with my clients. I used to be available 24/7 and even gave out my personal number. Now I have more separation and a better work/life balance, including a dedicated work phone.

I thought that I needed a marketing degree to become a social media managerā€¦ but Dishing up Digital School has shown me what's possible even if you donā€™t have a degree. Plus it includes more information than anything else that I've done so far for social media and continuing my education.


"Ellen gives practical advice about running a business AND teaches social media strategy"

Pricing my servicesĀ used to feel intimidating and impossible.

I am so happy that IĀ joinedĀ Dishing up Digital school. I really think that things would be a lot different if I hadn't - I think I still would be in my corporate job, honestly, because I would have taken the long route.

I think it really is differentiated from other courses on the market because it isĀ so comprehensive.

You teach us how to create contracts, invoices, maintain client relations, communicate with clients, and THEN all the social media strategy side of things.

My biggest wins are quitting my job, getting a huge confidence boost, booking my first client (then another 5 more!). I loved how everything was so clear and bite-sized, and made this big, scary concept of starting a business a little less big and scary.

The investment paid itself off and I'm really, really glad that I did it!

Christine, @maryfield.media

"Ellen's strategies helped me book a $6000 project two weeks after enrolling"

It took me a while to enroll in the course because I already had two years social media manager experience. But I almost regret not taking this course when I started as a social media manager because thereā€™s many things Iā€™d do differently!

Dishing up Digital School helped me improve my systems, improve my portfolio and gave me ideas to "level-up" my service and what I deliver, which clients have loved so far.

I used one of Ellenā€™s strategies and got 10 discovery calls booked - I was amazed!

Even though I wasnā€™t a beginner, I still learned a lot particularly when it comes to pitching myself, especially in Facebook groups, and how to send cold emails that sound more appealing.

My goals were to quit my full-time job and book high-end clients - I booked my first client two weeks after starting the course (a $6000 project!), AND quit my job two months later after landing another $2000 monthly package.

Ellen has reminded me of the possibilities we have in our business.


"The price is so worth it!"

Through taking Ellen's course I was able to build my biz and go from a side hustler to a full time SMM in less than a year. I highly recommended Ellen if you are after a coach that is caring, knowledgeable, always gives you a helping handĀ and is always willing to listen.Ā 

I loved her course so much that I enrolled in her mastermind and am seeing amazing growth in myself and my business.

Maeve, @poppysocials

"I'm now making more money than
my 9-5 job and am ready to go
full time as a SMM!"

It's been such a great resource for me to learn about becoming my own boss and starting a business from scratch - I don'tĀ honestly don't know what I would do without it!

Ellen'sĀ help and guidance has been such a key factor in my willingness to get up and make my dream a reality. Now the income I make from my own biz has officially surpassed my monthly income from my 9-5 job which means I can quit and go full time with SMM - THANK YOU!!

Claire, @clairesocialstrategy

"It's an investment you
won't regret!"

Ellen's course gives a great insight into all the essential information needed for a beginner social media manager. She teaches you from start to finish how she grew her business and how you can do the same!

My favourite part of this course is the consistent help you have. The Dishing up Digital Facebook group is filled with a supportive community including Ellen to answer all of your questions or just overall support you on your wins.

Since signing up for this course I booked my first $500 client and managed to convince my current clients to give me a raise. I highly recommendĀ this course for anyone looking to get into social media management as it is an investment you won't regret!

Alyssa, @alyssakaysocials

"I launched my business and
booked my first client!"

The Dishing Up Digital School was exactly what I needed to give me the confidence to take my dreams and make them a reality. After dabbling in social media management for a little while, the course delivered all the essential information in a package.

Ellen teaches a wide range of relevant topics, while also delving deep into each one. It has set me up so well and I even booked my first paying client during the course. If you want to be a social media manager, but doubt your abilities, this course will give you the confidence to launch your business and chase your dreams! Dishing up Digital School was 100% worth the investment!

Abigail, Feijoa Social

whatā€™s inside
the program

  • 60+ engaging video lessons to propel your learning and give you the skills you REALLY need to succeed
  • LIFETIME access to the course so you can reflect back on lessons during your journey
  • 8x workbooks to help keep you accountable and focused with note-taking
  • All my best templates, walk through tutorials and REAL client case studies
  • 12 months access to our private student Facebook community for accountability, connection and coaching . Think bi-weekly lives, hot seats sessions, pricing audits and more.
take a peek inside
the modules

module one & two

Your success starts with the right foundations and that's what these lessons are all about. We discuss what your role is as a social media manager, the customer journey on social plus dive deep into your mindset, limiting beliefs and confidence-building exercises. 

module three

Packaging and pricing your services is one of the biggest challenges new social media managers face which is exactly why we spend an entire module and 6 video lessons discussing this! We'll cover finding your niche, understanding sales psychology, how to use value-based pricing AND my exact packages and prices when I got started vs what I offer now. 

module four

Now that we've got our packages, it's time to sell them! In this module, we dive into how to sell your services, where to find clients and what type of clients you should target in your early days of business. You'll get exclusive insights into my real client pitches, copy-paste examples and example discovery calls. Even if you don't have experience, what you'll learn in these lessons WILL book you your first client.

module five

This is the biggest module of the course with 10 video lessons total all about content creation. Everything from writing captions and creating the perfect layout through to how to create reels and stories for clients (or in collaboration with them). What makes this course truly unique compared to other Instagram marketing programs is these techniques are all taught in the context of working with clients and managing other businesses' social channels. 

module six

It's time to take a peek into my systems and strategies for managing multiple clients and keeping things running smoothly. These lessons cover how I use Trello and Google Drive to organise client content, how I schedule posts for clients and how to keep track of analytics and reporting. In this module you will also get an onboarding walkthrough and examples of creating a formal strategy document for a client. 

module seven

Now that you have your clients and you've started making content for them, you'll face a new set of challenges. This module dives into client communication and relationships highlighting things like how to engage on behalf of clients, what to do with clients that pressure for growth, setting boundaries against "scope creep" and what to do with those "ghost" clients.

module eight

Contracts, invoices and accounting aren't the most thrilling topics, but they're SO important when you're setting up your own business. In these lessons, I'll share easy strategies for how to manage these things solo with templates, software and examples from my journey.

module nine

This course isn't just teaching you how to start your social media business - you're also going to learn how to scale it! In these lessons get the inside scoop on what my $10k months look like, how to increase your prices, outsourcing and more.

module ten

In this bonus module we're going to explore how you can add coaching and teaching packages to your services. This is a great way to diversify your packages and I'll give you the exact steps to starting this up successfully, plus templates and example coaching structures.

Bonus Guest Experts

It's time to introduce you to your guest speakers for 2022!

  • Kayley Hamilton on how to get PR and media exposure for your biz
  • Certified conversion copywriter Prerna from Content Bistro
  • Alastair Maasch on how to set up your business finances and getting started with investing
  • Arneen on all things self-love and mindset as a business owner
  • And finally Aksh from Social Media Sprinkle to get you started with Facebook ads

Explore every single module and lesson you get access to this in this 9-minute walkthrough video with me below šŸ‘‡

hey there

I'm Ellen...

...your Instagram fairy godmother! In 2019 I ditched the cubicle life and left my 9-5 magazine job behind to start my social media marketing agency, Dishing up Digital.

When I’m not passionately working away on my business, you’ll find me hanging out at home in Wellington with my foster dogs watching Netflix. Gilmore Girls and Gossip Girl will forever be my favourite shows but I’m a sucker for a good Disney fairytale too.

I love to work hard and play hard. You’ll regularly find me traveling with my partner and sharing our adventures on Instagram. Travel was a huge part of why I started my business in the first place!

It wasn’t until almost a year working full time on my business that I realised I wanted to help others reach their digital nomad dreams too - not just learn how to use hashtags or what to write in their captions.

So I took the plunge and founded the Dishing Up Digital School in 2020, the number one coaching program for aspiring and new social media managers.

What really makes this course special and a step above the rest is I am still an active full-time social media manager who is practicing what they preach.

A lot of coaches are cashing in on your "dream" of becoming an SMM but they don't actually do the work themselves. 60% of my time and income is still focused on working with my clients (some of which I've had for 2+ years now!).

Is this Dishing up Digital School right for you?

This is for you ifā€¦

You're a new or aspiring social media manager ready to enter the world of entrepreneurship... and you DON'T need a fancy degree, qualification or a network of contacts.


You want to work somewhere that aligns with your values and passion… because YOU set them. 


You desire to start a new job fast that can be the launchpad of a thriving and expansive online career.


You're motivated and ready to take serious action in chasing after your dreams.

This is noT for you ifā€¦

You dont' want to work with Instagram at all (this is the main focus of the course when it comes to platforms).


You're not interested in organic social content and just want to learn about ads (this is NOT an ads course)


You're not ready to invest and commit to this journey and just want a quick fix.


You're looking for 1:1 support - this is a self study program with the support of group live streams.

  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying
  • what our students are saying

Milli's now booking out her services with packages up to $3k a month!

"I 100% wouldn't have the knowledge and experience that I do without enrolling in Ellen's course. Within the first tiny module I learnt 5 new things."


Adriana's now working with 4-figure clients managing their Instagram and Pinterest

"Dishing up Digital School gave the ignition to start working with clients."


Rebecca booked her first client with NO experience!

"I got my first client quicker than if I continued to try things on my own. Ellen really does care about seeing you succeed and is a cheerleader - you can ask her anything!"


From unemployed to now a full-time thriving social media manager who runs her business on her terms

"Ellen truly is somebody special and can help you become who you want to be."


If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.

Payment plan

5x monthly payments of $340 USD

  • 60+ video lessons
  • 8x workbooks
  • 2x monthly group live streams
  • 12 months access to theĀ private facebook community
  • And so much more!
Pay in full

One payment of $1699 USD

  • 60+ video lessons
  • 8x workbooks
  • 2x monthly group live streams
  • 12 months access to the private facebook community
  • And so much more!

"Ellen gives me the confidence to know I can do whatever I want."

I was surprised by how authentic Dishing up Digital School is. So many people and courses make out everything is so simple, when in reality thereā€™s so much more behind those ā€˜3 easy stepsā€™.

Ellenā€™s teaching is authentic to her content, sheā€™s just herself. She gives me the confidence to know I have the ability to do what I want to do.


"This was the only course that actually gave me the confidence to start my business journey."

I knew I wanted to be a social media manager and had taken several courses before enrolling in the Dishing Up Digital School, but when I came across Ellen and she offered a free discoveryĀ call before making my decision she was instantly different from everyone else. She truly cares and wants you to succeed, it's not onlyĀ aboutĀ the money for her.

Dishing Up Digital not only teaches you social media skills but also how to build your business from scratch and most importantly, addresses mindset.Ā  That confidence allowed me to get 2 clients in my first month after the course. Now I work from home doing something I love and can go after my dream of living abroad.Ā 

Jana, jaemnafitsocials.com

"I learned so many practical skills
and now have my first client!"

Before I signed up for Ellen's course, I had trouble finding the confidence to pitch my services to potential clients. The program taught me the foundations to build a strong social media presence, appropriately price my services, and strategies with pitching.

I have since launched a Creative Agency and am happy that I signed up for Ellen's program!Ā 

Millie Chan

"Iā€™m making my investment
back and then some!"

I am now the social media manager for the new internet live show and I genuinely could NEVER have gotten this job without the skills, knowledge, and confidence you gave me in the coaching program I took with Ellen. I would recommend Ellen to everyone looking to up their game in social media management.

Her coaching was worth every penny, and believe me — I was nervous about spending ANY money at all! I am now making my investment into your class back and then some.

Thank you to the moon and back Ellen!


"I'm now making more money than
my 9-5 job and am ready to go
full time as a SMM!"

It's been such a great resource for me to learn about becoming my own boss and starting a business from scratch - I don't honestly don't know what I would do without it!

Your help and guidance has been such a key factor in my willingness to get up and make my dream a reality. Now the income I make from my own biz has officially surpassed my monthly income from my 9-5 job which means I can quit and go full time with SMM - THANK YOU!!

Claire, @clairesocialstrategy

"The Dishing up Digital
School was worth every dollar!"

I was working a full time corporate job hating every day in the rat race feeling like a hamster on a never ending wheel thinking ‘Is this it?’ Ellen opened my eyes to a new world of social media management. I did have a good background to start in this industry with marketing and graphic design experience. But I 100% believe that you can learn these skills along the way. 

Fast forward to October 2021, I left my job with confidence. December 2021 I landed in Thailand to start my dream life working from anywhere with financial freedom. Ellen is a wealth of knowledge and your go to person to learn from in the social media space.

Esther, Leap Social Media

"I wasn't sure if I could turn SMM into a career - now I've secured 3 clients while still working full-time"

I enrolled in Dishing up Digital School because I wanted to have a clear roadmap to onboard new clients.

At first, I was scared to invest that amount of money into a course, when I wasnā€™t sure if Iā€™d be able to turn social media management into a career. But I saw Dishing up Digital School as an investment into myself and my future.

The course has been great - Iā€™ve secured three clients (including one earlier this month), even though Iā€™m still working full-time!

We have lifetime access to Ellenā€™s training, which has been helpful when Iā€™ve needed a refresher on certain topics.

This course has given me the confidence to pitch clients, know what Iā€™m worth and recognize that I should charge more for my specialized skills. Itā€™s been a huge lightbulb moment!

Plus Ellen is so accessible, and the Facebook group is very active which is great for getting questions answered. Ā 

The thought of becoming my own boss never crossed my mind until I found Ellenā€™s podcast last July - now I have the tools to make decisions that are better for my mental health and on my terms.


Let's take a peek at just some of the 60+ lessons from the core curriculum!Ā 

But that's not all! When you access our student Facebook group, you'll also be able to watch our catalogue of 80+ past live trainings!

Here's a peek at some of the juicy topics you'll find over there.

And of course tune in for new lives twice a month šŸŽ‰

These topics are often student requests and the latest up-to-date topics or trends.

But that's not all! When you access our student Facebook group, you'll also be able to watch our catalogue of 80+ past live trainings!

Here's a peek at some of the juicy topics you'll find over there.

And of course tune in for new lives twice a month šŸŽ‰

These topics are often student requests and the latest up-to-date topics or trends.

BONUS COURSE! Get access to Gram Cam for FREE

Module 2:

The basic photography terms

What's in my photography kit: camera and gear explained

How to get the most out of your camera or phone (lighting, backdrops, props)

Come shoot product images with me

Editing photos 101

Module 3:

Why video matters

How to shoot better quality video

How to do the best Reels transitions

Film with me! Behind the scenes making Reels

How to edit videoĀ 


Your life of freedom & flexibility awaits

This isn't the kind of online course you'll buy and never look at again. This is the real deal.

Proven strategies that work.

Behind the scenes, raw and honest insights into running an actual SMM business.Ā 

PracticalĀ adviceĀ - no fluff.

The Dishing up Digital School has changed so many lives all around the world and I'm ready to change yours next. Are you ready to join me?



Q: What social media platforms does this course cover?

Q: Will this course help me if I've already got social media experience?

Q: How much access will I get with Ellen?

Q: How long does it take to complete the course?

Q: What is your refund policy?

Existing student? Login here!